Maybe you’ve heard the word „life” but you haven’t really thought about that because we’re surrounded by living people, animals, and plants. It’s worth realizing how amazing it is.
First, we have to establish what life is. It isn’t easy. People have been trying to define it for thousands of years, but we can use now quite a good definition from the dictionary: “life is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.”
But in this definition, we don’t find any information about how life arises. Everything starts when an alive sperm cell meets an alive egg cell.
Have you heard about an inanimate thing that is alive? Probably not. So what or who began a new life in rocks or water when the world arose? Imagine how wonderful is that “energy” that makes you able to see, hear, move and think. Could this be only a random sequence of happenings?
You need to find an answer to this question. That’s all from me. I only hope that I have inspired you to think more about that fantastic energy.